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Islamic Poems


>>> Allah (S.W.T) <<<

In the name of Allah
We seek Allah's protection From Shaitan's evil mind, and begin with the name of Allah Most Merciful, Most Kind!

Allah is great Allah is great this I know, For the Qur'an tells me so, All of us to him belong, We are weak but he is strong.

Allah is One Related to none Allah is One! No father, no mother No sister, no brother No daughter, no son Allah is One!

We Thank you Allah
For All the things we have today, for all our friends we love so much for home, for food for work and play, we thank you, Oh Allah.

When I was ILL
One day when I was feeling ill a sparrow flew on to my window sill. He didn't see me tucked up in bed as he pecked away at a piece of bread.

I thought of how he could fly when I, in bed could only lie. I thought how Allah had made him small and then of dinosaurs, and giraffes so tall.

I thought of many, many things some with four legs, others with wings. I thought how wonderful Allah is because everything around me is really His.

Thank you Allah
Thank You Allah for all that You give I know sometimes I'm naughty so please forgive. Please teach me to be good every day and let my heart be ready and willing to pray. Thank You Allah for Your Prophet whom I love, please raise him in rank in Paradise above.