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1042 My parents are going to Hajj. Please could you tell me which Duas they should learn. My Mother is able to learn them quickly but my dad's Arabic reading is weak and I will help him, but could you please let me know which Duas are vital.
A book that most Hajji’s found useful in preparing them for the journey of their life, along with the Duas to recite was “Easy Know How on Hajj and Umrah”, by Zia ul Quran Publications. This book is available in both Urdu and English.

As the book is relatively small in size (A5), most of the Hajji’s took the book with them and used accordingly.

However it is important to try to learn the Tulbiyah (which is recited in the Ihram State), Prayer that is recited whilst performing Tawaf, from the Fourth corner (Rukn e Yemani) up to the corner where the Hajar e Aswad (Black Stone) is fixed. If this prayer whilst circumambulation is being performed cannot be learnt then recite the Third Kalima as an alternative substitute.

Please request your parents to keep the Janathi Message Team in their Duas.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Hajj)