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Ask The Imam Category

Questions in Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
No. Question
17 When you have Wuzu and you need to go to the toilet do you need to do full Wuzu ?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
19 How is it best to do your Ghusl Sitting or Standing?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
32 I have a problem controlling drops of urine. I do wuzu and the problem starts all over again. What can I do about reading namaz whilst I have this problem?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
43 If you release wind, do you do full Wuzu including istinja?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
70 If you be sick does your Wuzu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
73 What is the Dua for Ghusl?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
76 Whilst giving Ghusl to a deceased woman, can other woman be present there who are in the state of impurity (i.e. period days)?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
95 If a married couple have intercourse and ghusl is Farz on them. Can the couple perform ghusl in the morning or should they perform it straight after?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
96 Can I as a mother feed my children or family food even though I am in the state that I need to do ghusl? (i.e. after intercourse).
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
99 Why is it necessary for the person who is giving ghusl to the deceased to perform ghusl himself/herself after completion?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
108 When you are in need of Ghusl, can you drink or eat anything?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
109 Imam Shafi (R.A) states that when a man touches a woman the Wuzu break, where as Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) states that the interpretation of this is not merely a touch of say hands but is referred as sexual touch. Does this mean that if a husband kisses his wife (not sexually i.e.: a peck) does the Wuzu break ?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
112 If a person touches his private parts (not sexually), does the persons Wuzu break? I am sorry for asking this silly question, but I have been told that even if you had an itch (on your private parts) and you scratched it , your Wuzu will break.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
122 Could you explain to me in detail how to give Ghusl to a person who has passed away? Please explain this in such a way that after reading your answer I have the understanding to perform the ghusl to the deceased confidently. I have surfed the net and all the topics on this subject are answered by the Shiites and not by any Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat sites.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
184 If you swear does your Wuzu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
222 When performing Wuzu, can you read second Kalma during the Wuzu or do you have to complete Wuzu and then read the Shahadah?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
223 If reading the Shahadah is a good act to do whist performing Wuzu then what about the issue about not reading Quranic Ayahs in the environment of the bathroom?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
238 If you have Wuzu and you fall asleep does your Wuzu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
275 For Wuzu when washing each part of the body required to be washed (i.e hands, face, arms, feet ) I read bismillah hirahmaa nirahheem is this right? If not then can you tell me 1 dua for reading through the whole of your Wuzu.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
308 Does Wuzu have to be performed in the exact same steps as shown on your website? I have been washing my face before I wash my nostrils. Does this mean that my wuzu was not valid? Thank You.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
310 I have a problem controlling wind. What can I do about reading Namaz or the Quran whilst I have this problem?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
337 If you go to mosque without wudu and read Quran what will happen?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
349 If you didn’t have time to do Wudu and you enter a mosque will you be forgiven?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
377 Could the Imam saab please explain briefly the procedure of performing Ghusl on a deceased , and the objects that are required? Please could I get a response very soon as I may need to perform such a ghusl.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
390 Madhi (pre-sexual fluid): a white thin fluid that exits when sexually excited but does not accompany an ejaculation. It can often be released without one being aware of it. If one is sure it is Madhi then is GHUSAL obligatory or not from what I have read according to Fiqh Hanfi it is not obligatory for you to perform GHUSAL, and if the case is that your unsure if it was Madhi or Wadi (a white, cloudy, thick fluid that exits either before or after urinating. It tends to be released if one is constipated or has been carrying a heavy load.) And you know you didn’t have a wet dream GHUSAL again isn’t obligatory for you.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
426 Could you please explain the Sunnah (Hanafi) method of performing Ghusl?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
429 I have read that if you don't have wuzu and doing wuzu will result in you missing someone’s janaza prayer then thyammum is allowed. Could you please verify this for me thank you.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
472 Whilst having a bath I completely strip off (including my under wear), but have been recently told by someone that it is a big sin to completely be naked and one must wear under wear. Could you please tell me if the above thinking is true?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
517 When you have a bath/shower & you do Wudu, is that Wudu valid to read Namaz & Quran? I was told that when changing your clothes or become naked your Wudu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
525 Does a Woman’s Wudu break if she takes her head scarf off?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
550 Is Ghusl necessary if a married couples private parts touch each other (no sexual intercourse)? If intercourse takes place but no ejaculation for whatever reason is Ghusl still compulsory?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
561 How should you perform Tayammum?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
579 Can you say the Azaan without Wudu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
584 Are you allowed to give the Azaan / Iqamath in the new born child’s ears without Wudu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
585 I read in a book that you can do Istinja with toilet paper? I assumed you had to do it with water?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
586 Are you allowed to give the Azaan / Iqamath in the new born child’s ears whilst in the state of impurity? (I.e. In need of Ghusl)
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
593 I have a problem which sometimes disturbs me whilst reading Namaz. I have a problem of dripping, every time I urinate, the drops of urine keep coming till about 10 minutes. Sometime after an hour whilst reading Namaz I get the feeling I am leaking, what can I do, and how should I stop this affecting my prayers?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
599 Why does Wudu have to be in a certain order i.e. start with washing the hands then cleaning out the mouth etc?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
609 I would like to know if I have to read Kaza Namaz of Fajr, Zohr and Asr, do I have to read Dua after each Kaza Namaz I have read?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
614 I already know that a women’s Wudu doesn't break if her head scarf comes off. My question is that if the Women performs here Wudu then goes out of her house (with out a headscarf) and Ghair Mehram see her then does her Wudu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
630 I run a retail store, as my store is small and has no space to wash my legs for wudu in the shop, but can manage to perform other necessities of wudu. My question is, can I perform wudu by not washing my legs for every Namaz?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
639 If I am in the state of Wudu and I change the baby’s nappy does my Wudu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
677 After the Ghusl of a deceased person are people allowed to touch the Janazah? As for prayers, can prayers be said before / after Ghusl of Janazah?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
686 Is it true that you are not allowed to eat or drink after sexual intercourse (before the obligatory Ghusl)?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
710 Can I do the breast feeding during fasting? Does Wuzu break with breast feeding?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
713 How long can one keep Wudu for and how many Namaz can you read with it before doing the Wudu again?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
724 If you are in need of Ghusl and you don’t perform your Ghusl at that time. In between the time you perform Ghusl you have food or drink, is this allowed or is it a sin?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
725 I’ve got an embarrassing question, If there was a discharge (the clear substance which is a carrier of semen and NOT THE SEMEN (WHITE in color)) from penis, is it impure? Does the Wuzu break? Do you have to change your clothes?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
730 Whenever I urinate, within 10 minutes afterwards a couple of drops of urine come out but after that no more urine comes out. This happens every time I go to the bathroom! It is very frustrating. After urinating I try to get all the urine out but still some urine comes later. I spend more time trying to get all the urine out then actually praying! This is especially annoying for the Fajr prayer because when I wake up I have to go pee really bad and I can't wait until after my prayer, So after I go to the bathroom and make wudu, one drop of urine will come out and I lose my wudu before I even get to pray. Even though I wake up 30 minutes before Fajr finishes, it is sometimes still not enough time to pray. And whenever I am outside of my home and I use the bathroom I can not pray until I get home, because my shorts are dirty. For example my school finishes at 12:30 on Friday and Friday prayer is 12:45, I cannot go straight from school to the masque because I go to the bathroom during school. Do I have to change my underwear every time urine comes on my shorts? If so, do I have to clean the part of my body where urine may have gotten on or do I just have to change my underwear? Someone told me that if only a drop of urine comes out you still have your wudu because a drop is less than a penny, is this true? I read on the internet that it is okay to clean your underwear instead of changing them, but how can I clean them? How do I know exactly where in my underwear there is urine? Couldn’t the urine from my underwear rub on to my shorts, thus making my shorts unclean as well?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
736 Could you please explain the Sunnah (Hanafi) method of performing Ghusl?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
739 Can you tell me if I was part way through my Wudu and had to go and do something, can I continue from where I had stopped or do I have to start from the beginning again. If I can't start from where I left off could you tell me why?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
761 Medical science; What does it tell us about Wuzu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
781 If you have Wuzu and are watching T.V. While watching you accidentally see a woman in her bikini, does this break your Wuzu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
789 Do you need to have Wuzu to read Quran from computer or mobile phone?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
793 I have recently had an operation done to my nose because of constant blockage. My question is for any reason if Ghusal becomes Farz, how can I do so without putting water all the way up to the funny bone. Jazakallah
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
822 I would like to know if one has to wash their private parts before doing wudu every time?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
828 If a man after having sexual intercourse, performs Ghusl, but finds that some semen still comes out after Ghusl, does he have to offer Ghusl all over again?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
839 Do you have to do Wudu before saying the Hathim on a Thursday?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
840 If you I would like to know if someone has done Wuzu and after drying themselves has a doubt in their mind, that they might have missed one of the Farz i.e washing of the face. 1. Is the Wuzu accepted or must this person do the Wuzu again? 2. Also I have heard from a friend that if you are in doubt about your Wuzu, you should wash your left foot, this will rectify any mistakes made during Wuzu. Is this true?l
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
842 I am Nadiim from Mauritius and I am actually having a problem about my Ghusl, could you please help me out? When I think of a girl (my online girlfriend) something comes out of my penis (I don’t know how it is actually called and whether my Ghusl is broken when this happens). Can you please tell me? and also tell me what should be done to avoid it?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
859 I would like to know what becomes Napak (Unclean) after sexual intercourse or foreplay. It is clear that after sexual intercourse or foreplay both men and women would have to perform Ghusl to become Pak (Clean), but until Ghusl is performed do we consider items we wear or touch become Napak as well? An example in my mind is that after intercourse I wear clothing which are clean/new. Then I perform Ghusl, am I permitted to wear the same clothing after Ghusl? can I perform Namaz, pray Quran etc thereafter.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
873 I have a question regarding Ghusl on Friday. I normally take a shower everyday after work which is around 5pm. So do I have to take another one just before Jummah, even that I have already done Ghusl on Thursday?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
875 What does Junbi mean?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
878 What is the way of Ghusl according to Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A) and what will be its method when Ghusl is taken with the help of shower?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
915 I am having severe Waswasa, please clear the doubt. If Mazhi or Wazi comes out should I have to do Wudu for that and another Wudu for prayer or only one Wudu is enough?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
916 What breaks Istinja? And what doesn’t break Istinja?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
918 I want to ask that when I am on my periods (HAIZ) and after a particular time I have to do Ghusl, please can you tell me how the Ghusal is to be performed to become Paak (clean)?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
920 It often happens to me, sometimes after urinating I notice a sticky fluid (the fluid is transparent) that comes out afterwards. This is like the fluid which comes out when sexually excited; but I don’t feel any pleasure of ejaculation. I heard that does not break Ghusal. Can you please confirm?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
977 While doing Ghusl (after Haiz) I felt that I passed urine though I wasn't sure (I suffer waswas a lot), so after Ghusl I decided to do Wudhu again as I thought I might of passed urine, so by that time my body got more than partially dried and I had to repeat whole Ghusl all over again. It took me 2 hrs. Was it okay what I did?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
997 Before the beginning of Wudu is it not permissible to say Tasmeea (bismillah ur rahman r raheem), complete in the eye of Hadith?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1008 In Wudu is Massah of the Head, Sunnah or Fard?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1015 Please can you describe what the process is when washing a body of a deceased - step by step.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1021 Does having a bath break your Wudu? If not is it okay to pray after having a bath without doing Wudu or even after having a bath do you have to do Wudu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1040 Every time I think of my girlfriend 'the thing' comes out of me. At times even when I’m actually doing my Ghusl I think of her in a flash and it comes out again. So my question is...should I start to do my Ghusl again or am I considered as 'clean' even though? Also I’d like to know if I’m allowed to do my prayer due to this fact.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1059 I use olive oil and skin becomes waterproof, I have been told Wudu is valid as nowhere does it say about water has to contact with skin, being a must. As long as you wash the prescribed areas Wudu is valid. Does that apply to nail polish, if it is applied after Ghusl as I have been told that Wudu is valid? We are created from earth and can never be clean so is Wudu is a way of showing the Creator that we submit to him.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1073 Can you do Istanja and then Wudu a few hours later if you are a bit rushed for time?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1081 When doing Wudu can I start drying myself without finishing Wudu, for example wiping my face, etc without washing the feet?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1082 While doing Wudu sometimes my Wudu breaks, so do I have to start again or can I carry on?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1086 I’ve read that one of the Fard of Ghusl is to wash the whole body three times. What is meant by the whole body, is it from head to toe or neck downwards?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1099 I have injured my leg and it is currently in plaster. Could you please explain to me as to how I will be able to perform Fard Ghusl (after menstrual days) whilst in such state?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1101 If a woman is 7 months pregnant and she is having problem to do Wuzu, mostly with washing the feet. What can she do then. I hope you can help me.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1134 I’ve recently had problems with urine, I can’t seem to control it and it just comes out, I try really hard to control it but it still comes rushing out, does Shariah have any exemptions for people like me?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1136 What breaks Ghusl?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1143 My son who is 3.5 month old peed and pooped on my cloths and I’m not sure if I could pray just using different cloths or do I have take a shower in order to be Paak?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1153 I just want to ask that if I performed Ghusl and after performing it touched something that had semen on it and was Napaak, just by touching it with my hand
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1156 I want to know that if we touch any devices such as mobiles or Tv remote when we are Napaak and after taking Ghusl we touched the same item again , do we become Napaak? and what about the cloths on which those devices have been touched?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1160 Can I touch Quran without Wudu as my hands are clean? Is it a sin to recite Quran without Wudu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1165 I have a broken arm and I need to do Ghusl? Can you please tell me how to do Massah of my arm?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1171 If drops of toilet water go on your clothes, do the clothes become Napaak? or when you’ve done Istanja and you haven’t dried your hands and they are still wet and you touch your clothes do your clothes become Napaak as well?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1178 If only Madhi is discharged, is it ok to eat and drink before performing Wuzu or do you have to do Wuzu immediately and then eat later. Many thanks.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1183 My gums bleed while I do Wudu, do I have to wait until the bleeding stops or can I carrying on doing Wudu? Sometimes it's only a little, but sometimes I can taste the blood. Jazakallah.
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1202 Is it necessary to do Wudu every time you wash your 2 year old kid after urinating and passing stool?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1206 My question is can I do Dhikr without doing Wudu when on the go, like reading Kalima, Durood Shareef, Four Qul, Aytul Kursi and Surah Yaseen? Please advise, as I work 17 hrs and am exhausted after working as a nurse. Can I do Dhikr without Wudu?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1227 My wife usually have virginal problem while intercourse and urine infection. Due to this, we have to do intercourse once a couple of month. I used to rub my wife with my penis with the use of a condom (and without) to ejaculate on her upper side of the body and I am careful that I am not intercourse in her private parts. Does my wife need to take Ghusl because my semen ejaculated on her body, but my semen does not touches her body i.e. is Ghusl Farz for her or can she can pray without Ghusl?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1234 Kia sirf hawA kharij hone sy istanja ki hajat hoti hai ya nahe? Interpretation: If you only release wind, would you have to perform Istinja or not?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1267 If one urinates during Ghusl (breaks Wuzu) does he have to repeat the entire procedure of Ghusl or only Wuzu is needed or no Wuzu and no Ghusl repetition is required? Please help I am in severe tension. Jazakallah
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1282 If during Ghusl drops of urine or wind passes, Is it necessary to do Ghusl again or to continue with the same one? And is it permissible for some one who is constantly suffering from drops of urine every time to pray Namaz and Quran Shareef and to go in janaza if its yes then what are the condition is? Thank you
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1285 If a woman becomes wet due to arousal and then climaxes will Ghusl be obligatory on her even if she is not sure if she has discharged any fluid during climax since her private part is already wet due to arousal?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)