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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1083 Can you please clarify for me the teaching behind Qurbani (the sacrifice). How this all works? And who is required to contribute towards the paying for such sacrifice?
Muslims are required to perform the sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of Eid- ul-Adha (10th-12th Zil-Hajj), with the intention of worship. This is called al-Adhiya (Qurbani in Urdu) in Islam. The purpose of this worship is to remind ourselves of our forefather Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). Symbolically, this act also serves to highlight the importance of sacrifice in Islam.

The Companions (R.A) once asked the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), ‘What are these sacrifices?’ He (S.A.W) replied, ‘It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim.’ They asked, ‘What is the benefit of it?’ The Prophet (S.A.W) said, ‘For each hair is a unit of reward…for every hair of wool is a unit of reward [too].’ (Ibn Maja)

The sacrifice is Wajib upon every adult Muslim who is not travelling and who can afford it. The criteria for affordability is the same amount set for Zakaat.

For this worship to count, an actual sacrifice must take place. A person cannot pay the equivalent price of an animal that is then not slaughtered.

The sacrifice must be performed after Salaat al-Eid on the tenth of Zil-Hajj. If anyone does it prior to this, then it will not count as the religious sacrifice. He can perform the sacrifice on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth of Zul-Hajj.

As for the distribution of the meat, the best method –which is the one the Prophet (S.A.W) encouraged – is to divide the slaughtered meat into three parts;

1. One third for the family,
2. One third for friends and relatives,
3. One third for the poor.

If the family is in dire need, then they can keep all of the meat. Muslims are encouraged to utilise all parts of the sacrifice, such as the skin (for leather etc.).

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)

(Verified by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Islam / Muslims)