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1085 Please can you help me. In my heart I am Muslim with strong Islamic beliefs, but in my mind I am constantly looking into science and creating doubt about Allah, I am fighting a battle between my mind and my heart.

In my mind I think of death and that life ends there. I read and watch science documentaries showing no proof of Allah. Please can you help me ease my mind as I am drifting away from Islam even though I know it is the right religion in my heart, but I can’t seem to get my mind to accept that there is Allah and that there is life after death? What can I do to convince myself of this? Thank you
First of all thank you for asking the question as many people would find it difficult to ask, rather express.

First of all let’s start with the existence of Allah (S.W.T). We know that nothing comes into being without a creator and ultimately there is a single source for the entire existence. This theology leads Muslims to the believe in a creator leading to defined structure of creation and existence, as opposed to science which bases existence on various theories based on probability (chance).

Furthermore Muslims have been given the ultimate guidance in the glorious personality of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) upon whom the glorious Quran was revealed which is the true word of Allah (S.W.T). Many discoveries of the modern day science were mentioned in the Holy Quran over 1400 years ago, which further strengthens the authenticity of this glorious book. It should be noted that science today is looking for the God particle, the ultimate basis for creation and existence, while Muslims know that the Ultimate Being, the Master of all creation, the Sustainer and Controller is Allah (S.W.T).

Examples of discoveries by science mentioned in the Glorious Quran:

Look at the bones, look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh (Surah Al Baqarah 259). This is a example of the bones connected by ligaments and tissues held together and functioning.

Anything you have been given is only the enjoyment of the life of this world and its finery. What is with Allah (S.W.T) is better and longer lasting. So will you not use your intellect? (Surah Al Qasas 60). This Surah is referring to the blessing on mankind from the Creator, who assures that a better life after death awaits us.

Such diversion and thinking to doubt the existence of Allah (S.W.T) is also attack of Shaitan, his mission is to make the creation go astray, therefore to safeguard from the whisper of Shaitan we Muslims need to spend our time wisely and learn the glorious Quran as well as the Blessed Sunnah’s (traditions) of our beloved Messenger (S.A.W). We would also advise you to be in contact with pious people of Allah (S.W.T), try to find a Shaikh and do bayah so that they can spiritually lead you to the knowledge of Islam.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)