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1104 Could you explain how to read the first 4 Sunah in Zohr, Asr and Isha?
The first four Sunnah of Zohr are referred to as Sunnah Mokidah, whereas the first four Sunnah of Asr and Isha are referred to Sunnah Ghair Mokidah.

Sunnah Mokidah are read as follows:

The first Rakat would be read such that after Thakbeer-e-Thahreema (Lifting the hands upto the ears), in the Al-Qayyam position (Standing erect, with hands on just below the bellybutton), Sanna (Subhanna kal-Laahum-ma) should be read followed by Thaooz and Thasmiyah (A'oozu Bil-Laahi and BismilLaa). Then after reciting Surah Fathiha (Alhando) a Surah is read and you should go into the Ruku position and so on.

Once you get up for the second Rakat, you need to start from Surah Fathiha (Alhando) followed by a Surah. After completing the second Rakat and you are sat in the Jalsa position (sitting position) recite the Thashahud (At-yaatu Lil-Laahi). After this is done stand up for the third Rakat, repeating the same as you had previously done in Rakat 2. Repeat this process again for Rakat 4.

In the Qa'dah-e-Akhira position (Last sitting) finish the Salah off by reciting Thashahud (At-yaatu Lil-Laahi), Darood Shareef and then the Dua (Rab-bij'alnee)

Complete Salah by performing Salaam.

Sunnah Ghair Mokidah are read as follows:

The difference in this Sunnah is that the first two Rakats are the same as Sunnah Mokida, however in the Jalsa position (sitting position) recite the Thashahud (At-yaatu Lil-Laahi), Darood Shareef and then the Dua (Rab-bij'alnee) then get up to perform the third and fourth Rakat.

Once you have stood up to perform the third Rakat, Sanna (Subhanna kal-Laahum-ma) should be read followed by Thaooz and Thasmiyah (A'oozu Bil-Laahi and BismilLaa), Surah Fathiha (Alhando), a Surah is read and you should go into the Ruku position and so on.

In the Qa'dah-e-Akhira position (Last sitting) finish the Salah off by reciting Thashahud (At-yaatu Lil-Laahi), Darood Shareef and then the Dua (Rab-bij'alnee)

Complete Salah by performing Salaam.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Namaz)