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1122 In Salah when your sat down & you raise the Shahadah finger, are we supposed to put our hand straight, after raising the Shahadah finger or are we supposed to just put the finger down & leave the hand in the position that we raise it in? I have seen a lot of Muslims following the same Hanafi Mazhab do this differently from each other.
When the Kalima-e-Shahadat is said in Tashahhud, all the fingers except the index should be lightly closed like a fist, keeping the thumb with the middle finger in a circle. It is Sunnah to raise the index finger. No sooner that the words ‘lllAllahu’ are said, all the fingers including the index finger and the thumb should be straightened and taken back to their original position. The circling of the hand and its clinching only takes place at this moment; the person should keep it flat before and after the Tashahhud. (Source: Haashiya Tahtawi)

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK)

Some Scholars differ in the above thinking. They emphasise that the hand should remain on the knee (i.e. not to make a fist as explained above) and only the finger is to be lifted at the prescribed time.

Please also refer to Question 58 on our website.

Allah (S.W.T) knows best.

(Verified by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Namaz)