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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1128 In this Holy month of Ramadan, during the nights if can't find sleep my mind gets diverted and eventually It resulted in masturbation. Last night, it was midnight and I could not make up Ghusl before Fajr, will it void my Fast?
It is forbidden in Islam to Masturbate, this is a great sin and one must repent from this sin. Please also refer to questions 128, 699 and 901 for related answers.

The Fast will be valid, however it is best that after ejaculation takes place, one should perform Istinja and complete 2 Fard’s of the Ghusal (Islamic bath) of rinsing the mouth and nose, then a full washing of the body can be done later, say at Fajr before performing Salaah.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Ramadan / Fasting)