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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1130 I have a big gambling problem, I thought I was getting out of it but I keep going back to bookies to play on the roulette, I have recently started praying 5 times a day at Masjid and I always repent for my mistake and ask Allah (S.W.T) for forgiveness, I went back gambling on the 1st day of Ramadan, please tell me is this Gunnah forgivable? and I was also Fasting at the time!
Please make sincere repentance (Taubah tun Nasuh) , Allah (S.W.T) is most forgiving. Also try to keep in good company so that you do not think of sinful acts.

Please also refer to Question 2.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Sin / Forgiveness / Repentance)