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1176 In my country India, most of the people do not offer daily prayers although they may have all the time, but they never miss Jumah prayer, at any cost. If you are missing your daily prayers without any reason, is it any use offering Jumah prayer?

Is it anyway permissible that you may miss your daily prayer but not your Jumah prayer? Otherwise, why it is that they do not spend one hour in offering daily 5 Namaz (which can be offered anywhere), but are ready to spend 2-3 hours ,for Jumah prayer (bathing, changing clothes, closing their shops etc, and walking to the mosque)?
Thank you for your important observations. Unfortunately, this is not a problem limited to India but the entire Muslim world, including here in the UK.

To answer your question, yes, there is still point in coming to Jumah even if they miss all the other prayers. This is because Jumah is still Fard and obligatory.

What Muslims must realise is that the remaining Salahs are also Fard, just like Jumah is. Of course, it is not permissible to miss the other prayers and suffice with Jumah. This is strictly forbidden. These people need to be reminded of the point you made; that the time spent preparing for Jumah is the time it takes to read all the Salahs in the remaining week.

(Answered by: Imams at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK)

(Verified by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Namaz)