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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1197 If we are praying ISHA in the Masjid and the hall in the same Masjid is full and the doors of the hall are closed... will the prayers of those who are praying outside the hall be accepted?
As long as this does not result in you being in front of the Imam whilst is Salah and that you can hear the Imam then this is fine. Having the doors closed bears no effect to your Salah.

In larger congregations where the Imam’s voice does not reach the whole congregation, the Imam (Before Salah) allocates a person to recite the postures out loud, in order for the back of the congregation can follow in the Salah i.e. Imam recites : Samiallah Ho Limamn Hamida . The appointed person would recite out loud : Rabana LaKal Hamda. This alerts the others to follow suit. This method is also valid.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Namaz)