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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1216 Due to the ill health of a family member they were unable to keep any Fast this year. Fidyah has not yet been given. Could you please tell me is it permissible to give this money to the poor?
If the ill-health of the family member was such that a full recovery is expected (or indeed has happened since Ramadan), then no Fidya will be given at all. Instead, the person is expected to perform the Fasts in full before the next Ramadan, which is called Qaza.

Fidya is only given when a person suffers from a terminal-illness and does not except to have the health to perform Fasts again.

(Answered by: Imams at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK)

(Verified by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Ramadan / Fasting)