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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1219 I have seen some women go into Sajdah with both elbows tucked in between their knees. My understanding is that men should raise their arms away from their bodies. Is this the same for women? My question is what is the correct procedure of performing Sajdah in Salah for women? Also all the Salah that I have performed if the Sajdah is incorrect would I need to perform Qaza for?
For men, when they are reading alone, then the elbows are extended. When in congregational prayer, it should be tucked in so that it does not harm the Muslim reading next to him.

As for women, they should have their elbows tucked in at all times during the prostration. You do not need to make up for the prayers that you read in a different position.

(Answered by: Imams at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK)

(Verified by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Namaz)