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1249 Inshallah my whole family are going to Umrah in Ramadan. If you would kindly let me know how to do the Umrah, what places of Ziyarat to be visited and what are the things to be taken care of, as this is the first time we are going so please advise me on this.
May Allah T’ala grant you the Maqbool Umrah. Here are some important things which you should be aware of.

The simple form of Umrah is to wear Ahram and do Tawaf and Sa'ee and after this have head shaven and taking off of the Ahram. Ahram is the primary condition which cannot be set aside or ignored, known as Shart-e-Ada (Binding/Primary condition) and shaving of the head, the external or secondary condition.

Umrah is Sunnat, not Wajib and can be performed many times in the year which means that the whole year is the period of Umrah except on 5 days in the year, 9th Zil Haj. The Day of Arafat (Yaam-e-Arafah), 10th Zil Haj, The Day of sacrifice (Yaam-e-Nah'r) and 11th to 13th Zil Haj known as Ayyam-e-Tashriq which mean on and from 9th to 13th Zil Haj are the five days on which Umrah is not permissible.

In Umrah only Tawaf is Farz (obligatory) while Sa'ee is Wajib, as well as Halq or shaving of head and Taqseer (hair cut or trimming). All the conditions of Umrah are the same as those of Hajj, except that for Umrah not time is fixed while in the Haj, all the Arkan (prescribed mode) are to be performed strictly according to time schedule. The thing which renders Umrah as completely wiped off is to have intercourse (with wife) before having completed four rounds of Tawaf.


Anyone who wants to perform only the Umrah, he should put on Ahram from Meeqat or any place before Meeqat. It could be from your house or airport.
The Niyat (Intent) of Umrah, he should offer two Rakats of Nafil with - the -intent or Niyat of Ahram and recite the dua of Ahram; (O Allah! I intend (to perform) for Umrah, so make it easy (convenient and practicable) for me and accept this Umrah from me and I wish to observe sanctity of this (Umrah) with all sincerity (and humility) for ALLAH The Almighty and Supreme).

Another prayer is this:

( O Allah! I beseech Your Pleasure and I seek Your Refuge from Your wrath and the Fire (of He'll).


Now he should avoid doing anything which are forbidden for a pilgrim wearing Ahram.

Now you are in Ehraam and you should keep praying Talbiyyah as much as you can.

If you are going to Madinatul Munawwarah 1st then you can put your Ehraam on from the Meeqaat of Madinah.

When you arrive at Makkatul Mukarramah, settle down, eat if you are hungry, rest if you are tired, and then make your way to Masjidul Haraam. If it is possible, enter Masjidul Haraam from the gate “Baabul ‘Umrah”; keep your gaze lowered, recite Talbiyyah as much as possible, remember Allah and remember that you are going to see the very same House of Allah which you used to only think of whenever you would pray namaaz in your country. As you get closer to the Holy Ka’aba, just before Mataaf (where people do Tawaaf), raise your gaze, look at the House of Allah and recite Takbeer (Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar). You should then make dua for the Muslim Ummah and for yourself and your family. Now you must perform Tawaaf.

Method of Tawaaf:

Go to the corner of the Holy Ka’aba where the Hajre Aswad (Black Stone) is, making sure the Hajre Aswad is to your right whilst you are facing the Ka’aba. Unclothe your right shoulder, take the Ehraam from under your arm and place it on your left shoulder. This is called “Iztibaa”. Make the intention of Tawaaf: “O Allah! I am doing Tawaaf of your house, make it easy for me, and accept it.” Then, kiss the Hajre Aswad, if it is possible to do so. If it is not, just raise your hands in the direction of the Hajre Aswad then kiss your hands.

Now, turn so that your left side is towards the Holy Ka’aba (you should not have your back to it) and begin your Tawaaf. In the first three circles of Tawaaf, you must do Raml (to walk stiffly and quickly). One full circle (chakkar) is completed upon passing the Hajre Aswad. In each circle, when you arrive at the Hajre Aswad, raise your hand and kiss it without turning your front towards the Ka’aba. You are required to do seven circles.

After completing the Tawaaf, you arrive at the Multazam, where the door of the Holy Ka’aba is. Stand in between the door and the corner of the Holy Ka’aba; this is the place where seventy thousand Angels of Allah say ‘Aameen’ to every dua you make. Rub your face, your chest, your arms on the Multazam and ask Allah for His forgiveness for all of your sins and make dua.
Then, stand anywhere behind the Maqaam e Ibraheem and perform two raka’ats Waajib of Tawaaf.

You must now do Sa’ee. Before you do Sa’ee, however, it is better to drink as much ZamZam water as you can, standing up, facing the Qibla. Make dua before drinking the water.

Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam used to recite “Rabbi Zidni ‘Ilmaa” (O Allah, increase me in my knowledge).

Then go to Mount Safa through Baabus Safa. Don’t go very high if possible. Face the Ka’aba and make the intention, ‘O Allah, I am performing Sa’ee for your sake, accept it.’ Start walking from Safa to Marwa. When you get to the green light, it is preferred to jog, if possible, without pushing others, to the next green light. When you get to Marwa, this is counted as one chakkar. Now go from Marwa to Safa in the same method; this is your second chakkar. You should complete seven chakkars, finishing at Marwa.

After your Sa’ee, men should shave or trim their hair; females should cut approximately one inch of their hair. Your Umrah is now complete. You can come out of your Ehraam and you can perform additional (optional) Tawaaf on behalf of others. Also, you can perform Umrah again, if you so wish. For that, you will have to go to Masjid e Aisha or “Tan’eem” in the state of Ehraam, perform two raka’ats of Ehraam, and make the intention of Umrah. Come back to Masjidul Haraam and complete your Umrah as above-mentioned.

It is compulsory to be in the state of Wudhu throughout the duration of Tawaaf (not for the entire Umrah).

Things which are Haram in Ahram.

(1) Sexual intercourse with a woman (wife) (2) Kissing (3) Touching her body (4) embracing or hugging her (5) behaving like her (6) describing the woman (wife) in front of other women (to excite passion) (7) obscenity (8) committing act of indecency or sin (9) involving in worldly embroilment (10) hunting in the jungle (11) to point and to someone else at the animal of hunting (12) or suggest this in other way (13) to supply gun, bullet, knife to someone to slaughter the animal (14) to break the eggs of the bird (15) to pluck the quill of the bird (16) to milk the animal (17) to cook the meat (18) or the egg of animal (19) roasting (20) selling (21) purchasing (22) eating (23) clipping of one own nail or of others (24) cutting any hair from head to foot (25) to cover face (26) head with any cloth (Note: covering of face by a woman is permissible, rather it is obligatory to cover the face in the Namaz and before any stranger (na'mahrum). However covering face is also Haram for a woman, but he should something like hand fan on her face before a stranger.) (27) placing the bundle of cloth on the head by men (the woman can) (28) to wear turban (Amama) (29) wearing veil (30) hand gloves (31) socks which cover the middle of the sole. If the foot wear (boot/shoe) is not there to the cut the sock wear all these foot - things is not allowed (32) to put on stitched cloth. To use perfume for (33) hair (34) body (35) clothes (36) To wear newly coloured clothes when the smell is coming one due to dampness (37) pure smelling musk, amber, saffron, javitri (mace), clove, cardemoms (Ilaichi, cinnamon (darchini), dry ginger (zan jabeel) (38) To tie any wet smelling thing with any corner of the head cover (dopatta) such as musk, ambar, wasma or mifrtle (mehndi or henna), saffron to wash hair with some highly incensed thing to kill the lice (39) To use hair dye (40) To set the hair with any sticky substance like gum (41) to use olive or til oil even they be non smelling (42) to shave some one's head (even if he be without Ahram (43) to kill lice, throw it or ask some one to do it (44) to wash clothes in order to kill the lice (45) to spread the cloth in the sun (46) to use mercury in the hair. All the things /activities are earned on to kill the lice, or destroy them.

These things are MAKROOH in Ahram.

(1) To remove the dirt from the body (2) to wash the body or hair with the non smelling soap or oil cake (3) Tom comb the hair (4) to scratch (to remove the itch) in such a way which my pull off the hair (5) To put shirt etc on the shoulders (instead of wearing) while moving out (6) To put on the clothes which have been exposed to smelling smoke (dhooni) which still retain the smell (7) to smell the saint or perfume intently even the sweet smelling fruit or leaf is also makrooh such as lemon, orange, mint leaves (podina) (8) to sit in the shop of perfume seller to have the perfume etc intentionally (9) to tie a strap of cloth on the head and (10) on the mouth (11) to put the head or the face in the Ghilafe Kaaba in such a manner that it touches the body which is forbidden in the Shariat (12) To cover the nose or any part of the face with the cloth (13) to eat or drink anything which contain smell of any sort, which has neither been cooked nor washed is remove the smell (14) to wear a cloth which is stitched, darned or has a patching (15) to lie upside down with a pillow over the face (16) to touch the fragrance/smell by hand which does not soil the hand, (when it soils the hand) it becomes Haram (prohibited) (17) to put on amulet (Taweez) on the neck or the upper arm, even if it is stitched in a piece of cloth (18) to tie a piece of cloth on any part of the body when it is not necessary due to any excuse or necessity (19) make-up or any kind of adoration (20) to tie a knot in the corner of the head cover (dupatta) in such a way the head remains open (otherwise it is Haram) (21) to tie both the ends of the Tahband (long cloth used to cover the lower half of the body) with a knot or make it tight with a piece of rope or Kamar-bund used in shalwar or pajama .

PROBLEM:- Things which are not permissible in Ahram if committed or breached unintentionally would not amount to sinning, but they would entail penalty which has to be paid whether the error is wilful or unintentional or forced by someone or it may occur during sleep.

Madinatul Munawwarah

Madinatul Munawwarah is situated in the north of the Hijaaz. The sacred city of Allah’s beloved Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam was also known as Yathrib before the migration. Madinah is an important centre of religious learning. The focal point is the Prophet’s Masjid (Masjid-un-Nabvi); it also has the resting place of the beloved of Allah, as well as Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat ‘Umar Radi Allaho Anhuma, the first two Khalifas.

To visit Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam in Madinah is close to necessary. If one has the strength and means but only goes to Makkatul Mukarramah and does not attend Madinatul Munawwarah, it is a great shame and pity. The Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam has said, “Man Zaara Qabri Wajabat Lahoo Shafaa’ati” (Whoever visits my grave, my intercession is a necessity to them).

Other Ahadith regarding Madinatul Munawwarah and visiting Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam are as follows:

“With the exception of Masjid e Haraam, one prayer offered in my Mosque is better than a thousand prayers in other Mosques.

”“Whoever, despite having the ability, did not visit me has committed an act of oppression against me.”

Throughout your stay in Madinah, try to confer Salaam and recite Durood on Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam as much as possible. We must bear in mind that we have left our families and pleasures. Remember, it is the Sunnah of Almighty Allah Himself to send Durood on His Beloved Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam. Almighty Allah states in the Holy Qu’an, “Verily Allah and His Angels confer Salaah on the Nabi, O you who believe, confer Salaah on him, and send Salaams increasingly on him.”

After reaching Madinatul Munawwarah

When visiting, only make the intention of visiting the Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam. Imam Ibn Humam said that do not even make the intention of entering the Mosque (Masjid-un-Nabvi). On the way, engage yourself in reciting Durood and Salaam and Dhikr as this increases love of Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam.

As the Haram (Masjid-un-Nabvi) draws nearer, it is better to become sincere and cry whilst lowering your head and your gaze, reciting Durood in abundance. Walk bear-footed if possible. When your gaze falls on the blessed resting place, increase in reciting Durood and Salaam.

After your entry in to Madinatul Munawwarah, settle down, do ghusl or wudhu, clean your teeth using a miswaak, wear the best of your (Islamic) clothing, groom your hair, cut your nails, wear itr (males only) and proceed to the Haram. On your way, recite plenty of Durood and give Sadqa to the poor if possible, as this cools Allah’s Anger.

It is recommended that one enters from Baabe Jibraail if possible. Make the intention of I’tikaaf, then proceed to the blessed court with the utmost sincerity and devotion. Visit all parts of the Masjid, including Riyaadhul Jannah. At this place (Riyaadhul Jannah), offer two cycles of Tahiyyatul Masjid, making sure it is not Makrooh time.

Then send Durood and Salaam and wait for some time and ask for permission to visit the court. Recite Bismillah and enter with devotion and sincerity with the right foot. Free your mind, heart, eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet from all thoughts.

Do not look at the structure and the beauty of the Mosque and do not divert your attention from the Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam and keep your heart devoted to him. Never say a word that it not important as we have the deepest faith and belief that Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam is still alive as true, real, physical qualities that he possessed when he lived in his worldly life.

Imam Muhammad ibn Haaj Makki states in his book ‘Madkhal’ and Imam Ahmad Qastalani in his ‘Mawahib Ladunniyah’ and other scholars in their books state:
“There is no difference in the death and life of the Messenger of Allah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam, in respect of his observation of his Ummah; he is aware with their condition and their intentions, their determination and their hearts contents and all these are so manifest before that no covering can hide them.”

Now proceed with respect with your head and gaze lowered in reverence and utmost humility, remembering your sins, relying on his mercy; proceed from the eastern side in the presence of the Prophet’s resting place and the Qibla behind, the Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam’s attention will be towards you and this is enough for you in both worlds.

When standing in front of the golden gates, stand at a distance of at least four arms length and do not go any closer. Do not attempt to touch or kiss the golden gates as this is against respect.

Then, in a quiet voice, with sincerity and modesty, recite Salaam. Then, moving an arm’s length on the right, or the west, facing Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Radi Allaho ‘Anh, give salutations. Then moving in the same manner to the right facing Hazrat ‘Umar Farooq Radi Allaho ‘Anh, give salutations. Then move back to face Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam, and as long as your tongue, heart and mind can endure, recite Durood and Salaam, praying for forgiveness and prosperity for yourself, your parents, your family and the entire Ummah. Then convey Salaams on behalf of the persons who have requested; this must be done as it is a legality in Islam.

You can then offer prayer near the Mimbar (pulpit). Then offer two raka’ats of Nafl, if it not Makrooh time, in Jannat ki Kiyaari. Similarly, offer two raka’ats of prayer at some pillars of the Holy Mosque and make dua (there are eight pillars that have more significance). Note: it is desirable and not Fardh to offer prayer at these pillars and places.

As long as one stays in Madinatul Munawwarah, do not waste any time; most of your time should be spent at the Mosque with respect, reciting Durood and Salaam in abundance, and refraining from any worldly talk. At least try to complete a full recital of the Holy Qur’an during the stay in Masjid-un-Nabvi. To look at the blessed resting place of Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam is also worship, as well as looking at the Holy Ka’aba and the Holy Qur’an, try to do this as much as possible as well as reciting Durood and Salaam.

Give Salaam after each Salaah or at least twice daily, in the morning and evening, at the Holy Court. In the city or outside, whenever the Dome or the resting place come in to sight, face it and recite Durood and Salaam and make sure you never pass by without praying Durood and Salaam as it is very disrespectful. Never keep your back to the resting place of the Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam, even while offering Salaah. Do not perform circuits (chakkar/tawaaf) around the resting place, nor do Sajdah or Ruku’ or anything equal to these.

Visit Jannatul Baqi as this is Sunnah, especially on Fridays if possible. According to Imam Malik, there are approximately ten thousand Sahaba buried here, as well as Tabi’een, Taba Tabi’een, Saints, Scholars and pious persons. When one enters the graveyard, first intend to pray for all the departed souls. Pray Durood and recite Surah Fatihah and Ayatul Kursi and Surah Ikhlas etc.; whatever you can pray and offer the rewards. Then visit the graves among the Dwellers of Baqi, visiting the famous and most dignified Hazrat Usman e Gani rAdi Allaho ‘Anh and offer salutations.

It is Sunnah to visit Masjid e Quba each Saturday. You should also visit the other Masjids if possible. Visit the Martyrs of Uhud and visit the Mountain of Uhud as Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam has said, “Uhud keeps me as a friend and I keep it as a friend too” and he said that, “When you go to Uhud, eat something of its trees even if it be a thorn.” It is better to go to Uhud on a Thursday morning, first visiting the grave of Hazrat Hamza Radi Allaho ‘Anh and offering salutations.

If you can find someone to take you for Ziyarah (of the wells) then go visit, perform wudhu and drink the water from the well as the Prophet Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam drank some water and left his blessed saliva in the well. There are approximately 17 wells in Madinah of which the Prophet used water.

On the departure from Madinatul Munawwarah, present yourself in front of Rasoolullah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam and ask for visiting continuously, and all the respects of coming back to the Holy Ka’aba; make dua with sincerity that Allah give us death with Iman and with the Sunnah to die in Madinah and be buried in Jannatul Baqi. Make dua that may Allah make your journey easy and you return home safely.

(Answered by: Imams at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK)

(Verified by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Islam / Muslims)