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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

1252 Can you please tell me how many Rakaats there are in Jumma Prayer?
According to the Hanafi’s (followers of the teachings of Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A)), Jummah Prayer consists of 14 Rakaats.

These being : 4 Sunnah Muakkada; before the Fard. 2 Fard(with Imam), 4 Sunnah Muakkada, 2 Sunna Muakkada and 2 Nafl.

There are many who tend to disregard the Sunnahs of Jummah and are not in the habit of performing them. One must remember that, apart from the 2 Nafl, the Sunnahs of
Jummah are emphasised and to miss them leads to sin.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Namaz)