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136 I have named my son Kaif (the book that i looked at the meaning is happiness) born on 12 July 05. However some people have told me the name means how are you or what; something like that. I would like you to advise me on whether it is a good name and what it actually means. Jazakallah.
The Arabic word Kaif (KA YA FA), in most grammatical usage means "pleasure or enjoyment" This in some terms could also mean "well-being" or "good-humor" ie related to expression of happiness.

In Urdu it means Happiness or State of joy (Kaif meaning suroor (happiness), Kaifiyat meaning state of joy).

All meanings of this word singularly relate to state of happiness, so the meaning you read from the book is correct by both Arabic and Urdu grammar. However some people mistake this for Kaifa Halaq, equivalent of "How are you?" which is a totally different word.

Therefore in our opinion your sons name means happiness and is acceptable as a Muslim name by Islamic Sharia.
Category (Children)