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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

304 Could you explain what it means when we are told Allah (S.W.T) knows what is in front of the creation and if so what is the point in all of this?
When it is said Allah (S.W.T) know what’s in front of us i.e. Destiny (Taqdeer) it means that when say Allah (S.W.T) created me he wrote my manual, but he also inserted all options into it. He also has the power to override what has been written.

This in simpler terms means that Allah (S.W.T) knows at each point of my life what decisions could be made, i.e. at each point of life there are 2 options some Allah (S.W.T) has given us choice over and the decision we make will be judged and we will be rewarded/ punished in accordance with that. Even though He (S.W.T) knows what we can, and will do, but has given us the power of choice, therefore it is a misconception that we do what has been pre written.

What we do is not controlled we have the choice of decision (that is the reason human beings are considered Afzalul Makhluuk – the best in creation).
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)