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505 In Hadith No.254 (Book of Prayers) Bukharis Correct Tradition it says: Anas Ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him) was reported to have asked whether the Prophet (Allahs blessing and peace be upon him) prayed as wearing His shoes. He replied "Yes, He did".

My question is this, does the above Hadith mean that we are allowed (i.e.: Sunnah) to wear shoes whilst performing Namaz (i.e.) say outside the mosque etc.
Majority of time when praying one removes the shoes as this is in respect of the Masjid the scared place of worship. The same applies thereafter; Allah Azawajal says “Surely I am your Rubb (Sustainer). Therefore, take off your shoes. Surely you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa”, (20:12 Kazul Imaan) this Ayah refers to the situation when Musa Alai Hi Salaam is informed by Allah Azawajal on Mount Toor.

He (A.S) is instructed to remove His shoes as it is a sacred valley. Whenever a Muslim prays his Salah (Namaz) the place of Prayer is considered as sacred. Hence one should remove the shoes. Also when wearing shoes one can not sit in the Sunnah position in Salaah; i.e. to bend the right foot’s toes to Qibla while in Jalsa (sitting).

It was also one of the characteristic of Rasoolallah Sallalahu Alai Hi Wasalam; He (S.A.W) did actions that were strictly for Him (S.A.W) and not for his follower’s. Therefore the final version for Fiqh (Islamic law) is that Rasoolallah Sallalahu Alai Hi Wasalam removed His shoes while praying and the Sahaba Radiallahu Anhum followed him. According to Fiqha Hanafi Indeed this is the best method and Sunnah to remove the shoes while praying.

Having said that the Hadith (tradition) you have mentioned is correct, however the requirement is that the fingers of the feet touch the ground (so you must wear the slipper and not shoe’s) and the slippers are clean (i.e. from najasat (impurities) and dirt) then it is permissible to pray with slippers on the feet. Bear in mind the making of slipper is for use to protect the feet from dirt and filth. This however is not a established Sunnah of Our Holy Prophet (S.A.W). Sharah Sahih Muslim, Vol 2 P124, Urdu Edition.
Category (Namaz)