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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

655 Myself and my husband both are working. However we are not able to save the money. Is there any Dua to save the money? If is there please tell me Dua and which timings have I need to Zikr that Dua.
We would advise you to establish regular Salah. The money you earn spend it wisely rather then for worldly or materialistic things, whilst spend regularly in way of Allah Azawajal, as for every amount spent in way of Allah (S.W.T) many folds is received back with will of Allah Azawajal. Pray (make Dua) to Allah Azawajal with the waseela of Rasoolallah (S.A.W) to put Barakah (blessings) in your Risq.
Category (Hatham / Dua)