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678 If your period starts during a Fast then does this break your fast? Some women say that if your period starts after 12pm then the fast is still counted.
Firstly it is important to note that in Islamic Shariah, there is no such concept of ‘half a Fast’. There is only one type of fast, when a person refrains from food, drink and intercourse from dawn until sunset with the intention of worship. Anything less than this simply does not count as a Fast.

When a woman experiences her periods during her Fast, then this will invalidate the Fast. After the month of Ramadan, she will have to make up for this missed Fast. To show respect for the month of Ramadan, she should refrain from eating and drinking for the rest of the day. This is similar to a traveller who did not fast and then returned to his home during the day in Ramadan. For the rest of the day, he should refrain from eating and drinking, in respect of the month of Ramadan.

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Ramadan / Fasting)