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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

748 If a person is sick for most of his lifetime, is that compensation for his sins, or his missed Namaz or Fasts?
In many reports of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), we are told that when a Muslim is inflicted with any type of pain, some of his Sins are forgiven as a result. In one famous report, Allah (S.W.T) orders the Angels to analyse the extent of the patient’s worship before he became ill, and reward him accordingly after the illness. In fact, according to a Hadith, even being pricked by a thorn is the means of the forgiveness of minor sins.

The missing of fasts and Salah is a separate issue. An ill person is still required to give Fidya for the missed fasts. Imam Quduri (R.A) states that a terminally ill person must feed the poor (half a Sa’ of wheat, barley or dates) for every fast he has missed. Salah is still prescribed when a person is ill but has consciousness. If he cannot stand, he sits and prays. If he cannot sit, he lies down and prays. If he cannot lie down, then he prays through indication. If he cannot indicate and pray, only then can he delay the Salah to a later time.

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Namaz)