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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

775 I know a female Muslim doctor. Her grandfather is an Imam. She had sex with her last boyfriend who was a white, English drug dealer of no faith. She before that has engaged in sexual acts with other men, including two men at once.

She is now dating another Muslim. This man is also a drug user and dealer. She seems to be excited by this life style. Her family knows none of this. What should I do?
Apart from trying to guide her back onto the right path, there is not much else you can do. The decision is ultimately hers. What you could do is to educate her about Islam and the role of a female within this beautiful religion.

You may want to also highlight the consequences of her actions, probably that may help. If you are not able to educate her yourself, due to lack of education or Shariah reasons (i.e. you are not a Mehram), then try to put her in touch with someone who has the knowledge of Islam and can help her see the errors of her ways.

We pray that Allah (S.W.T) guides her away from such sinful acts of adultery and lead her back onto the straight path. Ameen.

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Mubarak)
Category (Sin / Forgiveness / Repentance)