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797 Is it true that the uncle of Nabi Alayhis salaam, Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, is in Jahannam as some Scholars say?
Firstly, Abd al-Muttalib (R.A) is the grandfather of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), not his uncle.

Secondly, it is sad to see that some so-called followers of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) find it fruitful and beneficial to raise questions about the family of his. When someone criticizes our parents or direct family with blasphemous and insulting remarks, it creates rage and disbelief in our hearts. So how will the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) react when He (S.A.W) learns Muslims have nothing better to do than accuse His family of the biggest crime of all, Kufr? Muslims should refrain from such negative academic exercises and concentrate on improving their relation with the Best of all Mankind, and not distancing themselves from him.

Thirdly, discussions regarding his faith are identical to the discussions the Scholars have highlighted regarding the faith of the Prophet’s parents. Therefore I will present the works of Pir Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari (may Allah have mercy upon him) in ‘Zia al-Nabi’, the award-winning biographical account of the Prophet’s life, on what he wrote regarding the faith of his parents. This will answer the question.

Fourthly, if you are referring to the uncle of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Talib (R.A), then this is a disputed issue. On his deathbed, Hazrat Abu Talib (R.A) was in the companionship of the Prophet, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Prophet encouraged him to recite the Kalima so he could intercede for him on the Day of Judgement. He replied,

‘O son of my brother! If I did not fear that after my death people will hurt you and your brothers, and that Quraish will think I said the Kalima in fear of death, then I would certainly recite it. And I would recite it to please you alone.’
As he was about to die, Hazrat Abbas (R.A) saw his lips moving. He pressed his ears near him and then said,

‘By Allah! My brother just said the words you told him to read!’

The Prophet (S.A.W) said, I did not hear it.’

Hazrat Abu Talib (R.A) spent his entire life serving and looking after his nephew, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). It is difficult to find a character with such admiration and care for him. He never deserted the beloved Messenger after the official announcement of Prophecy, in particular when he went through great hardship and anxiety. He stood next to the Prophet when most Makkans deserted him. He wrote odes not in praise of the idols (as it was practised at the time) but in praise of the Messenger. For instance,

‘Do you not know that we found Muhammad?
A Messenger just like Musa, inscribed in the scriptures.’

Imam Muhammad Abu Zuhra (R.A) writes in Khatam al-Nabiyyin,

‘In this matter, we reach three conclusions; two are accepted and one is disputed.

Firstly, Hazrat Abu Talib was the protector of Islam. He would defend the Prophet and the Muslims. He believed that the Prophet was Sadiq and Rashid (a guide).

Secondly, he never praised the idols. He rejected the practices and beliefs of the people of Quraish and adhered to monotheism.

Thirdly, the disputed fact is that he recited the Kalima Sharif on his death bed, according to the report narrated by Hazrat Abbas.’

Even if it is accepted that he did not recite the Kalima Sharif, then this does not mean we should now criticise him. His contributions to Islam are well-documented. We should not stand on the pulpits and gear our efforts in proving his disbelief.

Allama Alousi (R.A) writes,

‘The issue regarding his Islam is disputed….Adhering to the opinion that he is not a Muslim does not mean it is permissible to insult and degrade him with pointless words; this is not the practice of the exalted ones as well as the fact that this could be a means of harm to the Prophet personally. Each and every intellectual knows that in such matters, precaution [in words] is required.’ (Ruh al-Ma’ani: Surah Qasas, Verse 55.)

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)