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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

806 Does Allah (S.W.T) share some kind of a communication before or after the spirit is breathed into an unborn child whilst it is still in its mother's womb?
Allah (S.W.T) directly does not have communication with the unborn child in the womb; it is His Angels who do. In a Hadith recorded by Bukhari and Muslim, and mentioned by Imam Nawawi in his ‘Forty Hadith’, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Verily the creation of any one of you takes place when he is assembled in his mother's womb; for forty days he is as a drop of fluid, then it becomes a clot for a similar period.

Thereafter, it is a lump looking like it has been chewed for a similar period. Then an Angel is sent to him, who breathes the Ruh (Spirit) into him. This Angel is commanded to write Four decrees: that he writes down his provision (rizq), his life span, his deeds, and whether he will be among the wretched or the blessed.’

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)