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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

816 I was wondering if IVF treatment was allowed Islamically?
Most of the scholars agree that IVF treatment is not permitted in Islam because the process is so alien to the natural process of birth. A large part of the treatment takes place in the laboratory rather than in the mother’s womb.

Moreover, the treatment involves the woman exposing her private parts in front of doctors and nurses, confusion can arise in the storing of the embryos in the freezer, and there are risks for the mother later in life if she wants to have a baby.

Time and time again, we have seen that when man tampers with the natural processes in life and the world we live in, it results in abnormal and unseen trouble and strife. Man’s intention to create ease in one situation often leads to discord in three others.

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Children)