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837 Me and my family visited my husbands family in abroad. After receiving some guests my child started to cry a lot. My husbands mum was adamant it was Nazar by our visitors claiming Nazar can even be given by me (the mother).

She said the only way to get rid of it was to light an incense stick and then swirl it around my child's head first clockwise seven times then anti.

I am a practising Muslim and believe that this is nonsense however my husband is also adamant I do this "ritual" every time my child cries.
Rather than performing the practices you mentioned, it is better to adhere to what Islam has to say.

Imam Malik narrates from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that whenever the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would suffer from an ailment, then he would recite Surah Falaq and Surah al-Naas (the last two Surahs of the Quran) over himself and blow over himself.

Imam Tirmidhi reports that the Abu Said (R.A) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to seek protection against the evil eyes of the Jinns and mankind. But when Surah Falaq and Surah Naas were revealed, he used them (the Surahs) for protection and abandoned all else besides them.

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Hatham / Dua)