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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

846 Can you please tell me where in the Quran or in which Hadiths it says that we should pray on food when performing Khatams.
We do not pray on the food, we pray to Allah Almighty that he has blessed us with this food. The actual Khatam is a means of seeking forgiveness for the deceased, something which is proven in countless places in the Qur’an and Sunnah. For example, Allah Almighty says in the Quran; “And those who come after them say ‘Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who came before us into faith, and do not leave a sense of injury in our hearts against those the believers. Our Lord! You are indeed most Kind and Merciful”. (59; 10)

Here, Allah applauds those Muslims who prayed for their Muslim predecessors in the form of asking forgiveness for them.

Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that he read Eid-ul-Adha Prayer with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). After the Prayer a ram was bought to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) which he sacrificed. As he did so he pronounced ‘In the name of Allah; Allah is the greatest. O Lord! This sacrifice is from myself and from whoever has not made a sacrifice from my Ummah’. (Recorded by Imam Ahmad, Abu Daud and Tirmidhi). In another narration from Imam Ahmed, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said ‘O Allah! This is on behalf of my whole Ummah’.

This Hadith shows that doing a Dua in the presence of food is the Sunnah of the Prophet and offering the reward of good actions (here, the sacrifice of a ram and feeding people) for the absent is permissible

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Hatham / Dua)