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853 Please can you kindly advice me when a boy is born people most Pakistani people will distribute mithai (Indian sweets) but when a daughter is born they seem to be a not distributing the same for a daughter when she is born.

Is that right? To treat the two very differently from a very young age from un islamic point of views- aren’t we all suppose to be equal and can you please shed some light as to where this tradition has come from? Is it from the Hindu community who are known for killing female foetus before the birth-ancestral.
It is deplorable to hear that there are some Muslims who still react differently when a son is born and when a daughter is born. This attitude is totally against the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went to extreme lengths to teach us that a daughter is a great blessing from Allah (S.W.T) just as a son is.
This attitude of prejudice is not from the Hindus. The Pagan Arabs were known to react differently to the birth of a son and the birth of a daughter. In fact, they would often bury their daughters alive in shame.

Our religion teaches us to rejoice and thank Allah (S.W.T) when blessed with a favour. Certainly, a new addition in the family is an occasion where we should rejoice, thank Allah (S.W.T) and share our happiness with our friends and relatives. But we should do this on equal terms, son or daughter.

In the Qur’an, Allah (S.W.T) describes how the pregnant wife of Imran (peace be upon him) vowed that her child would be dedicated to the worship of Allah. She was expecting a son but instead Maryam (peace be upon her) was born. She kept her vow and left Maryam in the service of Allah (S.W.T). Maryam went on to become the mother of a famous Prophet and a Waliyya in her own right.

This shows that gender is not important. Both can excel to be great servants of Allah (S.W.T).

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Children)