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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

949 During the Month of Ramadhan, whilst observing the Taraweeh prayers at the mosque, I have noticed many people remain sitting whilst the Imam has begun reciting the Quran and only join the Jammat when the Imam goes into Ruku. Is their Namaz Valid this way?
In the Holy Quran, Allah (S.W.T) has repeatedly stressed the virtue and importance of Salah. At the same time, He has offered a strong warning to those who perform it in a lazy manner. Allah (S.W.T) states in Para 30, Surah 107 (Maaoon): Ayah 4 & 5: “So curse be to those offering Salaah (Muslim Prayer); Who are Neglectful of their Salaah.”

Translation taken from Kanzul Imaan by Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (R.A).

Delaying the Salaah until the Imam goes into a Ruku is a serious insult to the sacred nature of Salah and the Quran. People should remember the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who encouraged Muslims to perform worship ‘as if you are watching Allah, and if you can do that, then He is (certainly) watching you.’

(Answered by: Alims at Islamic Centre, Leicester, UK.)
Category (Namaz)