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Ask The Imam Question and Answer

968 Could you please inform me as to what is to be recited whilst lowering the deceased into the grave, and just after the burial?
Whilst placing the body into the grave pray this Dua: Bismillahee Wabillahhee Wa Alah Millatee Rasoollillah or Bismillahee Wa Fee Sabee lillahee.(Reference from Fiqh Books :Alamgeeri, Radall Mukthar)

Once the planks of wood are put across the grave then start putting the soil back on. It should be started from the head side and picked up with both hands and dropped three times. When dropping it the first time pray : “Min’ha Khalaqnaa’kum” then at the second throw pray “Wa Feeha Nu’eedukun” and on the third throw pray “Wa Min’ha Nukhrijukum Taa’ratan Ukhra”. The rest of the soil should be put on the grave using a shovel or spade etc. and to put more soil in the grave than what came out is Makrooh. (Alamgiri, Johra)

It is also Mustahab to recite the following at the grave of the deceased after Burial :

From the Head Side pray: Alif Laam Meem to Muflehoon ( Para 1 , Surah Bakarah ( Ayah 1 to 5) and then from the Feet Side pray: Amanarasool to the end of Surah Bakarah. (Para 3, Surah Bakarah (Ayah 284 and 286)

(Answered by: Hafiz Mohammed Akhtar)
Category (Death / Doomsday / Graveyard)