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Ask The Imam Questions

Questions - Page 24 of 65
No. Question
830 If a person is buried in the grave, can that person answer the questions in English?
Category (Death / Doomsday / Graveyard)
829 I love a Muslim man and he is 6 years younger than me. Both his parents and my parents will not permit to the wedding, only because of age. We want to move ahead in a Halal way. Can I still marry him with any of our parent's consent? Is there a way to be with him in Allah's way? I can’t marry another man having him in heart. Can u please share a way?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
828 If a man after having sexual intercourse, performs Ghusl, but finds that some semen still comes out after Ghusl, does he have to offer Ghusl all over again?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
827 I joined the Isha Jamaat after the second Rukooh was over. I would be grateful if you could tell me how I should complete my Namaz?
Category (Namaz)
826 My question is regarding Hajj which I wish to perform for my father who has passed away. My father lived in Pakistan all his life and since I am settled here in the UK I would like to know that when I go to perform hajj for my father do I need to travel from Pakistan or can I travel from the UK. I look forward to your answer.
Category (Hajj)
825 We have decided to move back to England. We have been very happy living where we are now, but due to circumstances we are moving. Is there any way I can pray for Allah (S.W.T) to give happiness, sukoon, success we have here to be same when we come there.
Category (Hatham / Dua)
824 Can you have photos of the family around the house?
Category (Others)
823 Some people say that the Eid Milad un Nabi celebrations are a form Bid'ah and the fact that it is not stated in the Quran or there are no Hadiths to prove this. They also say that the Prophet (S.A.W) did not specifically say to celebrate his birthday; He only said to send Daroods to Him. Also people often say there is no direct evidence from the Quran and Hadith that explicitly state that the Milad should be celebrated, they go one further to say birthdays as a whole should not be celebrated. Please could you provide direct evidence from the Quran and Hadith only to support the celebration of the Prophets birthday.
Category (Others)
822 I would like to know if one has to wash their private parts before doing wudu every time?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
821 While reading the Quran I noticed it said Sajda on the side of the page. Do I have to perform Sajda at that time or can I complete the Quran and do all the Sajda's at one time. Also what is the method of performing the Quran Sajda's. Please advise.
Category (Quran)
820 Was Abu Talib a Muslim? The Wahabis say he was not but what do Ahlus Sunah say?
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)
819 My wife and I have no children and the doctors have said that they cannot find anything wrong with either of us. We have been given the option of IVF but want to know if this is permissible in Islam.
Category (Children)
818 I would like to know while reciting Quran at home, there is some Ayat that you have to do Sajida Tilawat if so could you please tell me how to perform it and if there is any special Ayat to read.
Category (Quran)
817 I would like to know if Abu Talib, father of Hazrat Ali (R.A), died a Muslim or not. I'm confused because some Ulema say he died without faith and some say he left the world with Emaan.
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)
816 I was wondering if IVF treatment was allowed Islamically?
Category (Children)
815 I wanted to ask about the divide within society, in regards to where a person comes from. recently I was told that since I’m not a born Muslim, but have been guided to learn and follow Allah (S.W.T) late in my life, and also that I didn't belong to a certain village, and therefore am not a certain caste and supposedly do not follow the same way of living as this family, I may not be accepted by the Mother to marry her Son. This is because people might look badly towards this family after. Please for my peace of mind can you clarify whether this caste divide is correct? I have read in the Holy Quran that a believing man may marry a woman believer or one of the people of the Scriptures. I also understand that it would be wrong to make a son choose over his mother as Paradise is between her feet, therefore I would not insist on this marriage. However are the reasons of refusal given to me correct? Please can you clarify for me? Is it correct to do so to uphold the honour of their family?
Category (Islam / Muslims)
814 Would you be kind enough to comment as to whether Muslims are able to accept donor implants? I would like to be a possible donor in the event of my death but have been told this is forbidden. It seems like our Muslim brothers and sisters are only too happy to accept donor implants, but are reluctant to donate themselves. 1- Is it permissible in Islam to give or donor any part of our body after our death to save others lives? 2- Is it allowed to give and receive blood in Islam? 3- What if the blood belongs to non Muslims? Some times hospitals are injected to save our life. After recovery did we need do any thing special to "clean" that blood?(ex reading Kalima etc..) What is Islam's stance on Muslims donating their blood, or offering their organ(s) in the event of their death? Is accepting donor organs permissible?
Category (Others)
813 In Hanafi Madhab where do you fold your hands, on the navel or below?
Category (Namaz)
812 According to some brothers it is classified Haram to cut or have your hair cut to different lengths. Could you please tell me whether having different lengths of hair is Halal or not?
Category (Halal / Haram)
811 I would like to know whether it is true that when a slipper/ shoe is on the floor with the sole side on the top does Shaitaan sit on the slipper/ shoe because that’s what i have heard.
Category (Others)