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No. Question
1290 Sir one of my friend have a concern About divorce actually she and her husband had a fight few days ago and in the mean while her husband left the room and went to his mums room and then he said to his mum that this girl is not my wife and he repeated these words for three time and the girl wasn't in the Room , now this girl is worried about it if its equal to divorce or not because it's a bit complicated .. Thanks and Allah hafiz
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
1289 My wife is pregnant and things did not work out between us and she has asked for Khullah but instead in the letter she stated I want to divorce her which I did not. during this course in anger I wrote Talaq 3 times on a paper and said it numerous times in front of few people so is the Talaq valid now? At the end of the day I would give her Talaq but she is still unaware of this please help jazak Allah
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
1288 I want to ask that, I want to marry someone other, but my family forcefully engaged to other one, without my consent (razamandi), the boy whom I want to marry also want to marry to me, please now what I do, if you have any Wazeefa that joined us please guide…
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
1287 Can you please please tell me what I can do to fend away evil magic that has been set upon my family and I. It has caused me ill health for a very long time. Please help me. I thank you in advance.
Category (Islam / Muslims)
1286 Please can you tell me, what to read for protection?
Category (Hatham / Dua)
1285 If a woman becomes wet due to arousal and then climaxes will Ghusl be obligatory on her even if she is not sure if she has discharged any fluid during climax since her private part is already wet due to arousal?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1284 Is this true according to Islam the house in ominous (man house) for a family or person?
Category (Islam / Muslims)
1283 I'll be very grateful if you could kindly forward some Duas or Wazeefas to do to have happy married life.
Category (Hatham / Dua)
1282 If during Ghusl drops of urine or wind passes, Is it necessary to do Ghusl again or to continue with the same one? And is it permissible for some one who is constantly suffering from drops of urine every time to pray Namaz and Quran Shareef and to go in janaza if its yes then what are the condition is? Thank you
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
1281 Do Wahabbis and Deobandis originate from a Sunni sect?
Category (Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat)
1280 Do people who follow Ahle Sunnah wal Jammah have to be careful about who they listen to gain knowledge in Islam?
Category (Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat)
1279 My uncle is a sole agent in Pakistan of a foreign manufacturing company of Malaysia. Only he can import products from that company to Pakistan. Now what he does is that he imports products, takes them in his possession and sells to market. But some customer demand for the whole container of that product, so he gives the customer, an invoice. He instructs the company to send invoice and prepare documents at a specific price agreed by the customer and uncle. Uncle sends invoice/documents to customer after receiving them. Customer pays to the company bank account. So he always agree at a price with customer that is higher than what price is offered by the company, so the rest is uncles profit. The container gets shipped to the customers location. Also uncle does not get any commission on sales. Is this allowed in Islam?
Category (Others)
1278 Dosron k ayeb talash karny ke moashrti nuqsan ki list btainy? Interpretation: How is society effected when finding the faults of other?
Category (Others)
1277 Can you please put some thought and light into the following .... "If manual ejaculation, [i.e. masturbation,] is done for mere pleasure, it will be Harâm. It will be permissible to do so for relief, and Wâjib when there is the danger of fornication. [Ibni ’Âbidîn, section dealing with things that will break one’s fast]." ... so what are your views on this i.e. the mere pleasure and to save one self from fornication etc. ?
Category (Men)
1276 Is it right for society to look upon a divorced woman in a bad light? People think of her as an impure woman and make her feel like it is her fault? When it is not her fault but was meant to be, the will of Allah? It was the husband who mistreated and divorced her. People don’t mind unmarried women even if they impure as long as they don’t have the tag of marriage on them. Could you put some light on this matter. Does a person get Sawab for marrying a divorcee?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
1275 What are freemasons & their history & its connection to this present day?
Category (Others)
1274 I am going Umrah next Friday I know that the Ihram is not the 2 clothes (for Men) you wrap around your body but it is a state does that state start once you’ve made Niyyah. If I say Niyaah today does that mean I'm in a state of Ihram and can't do anything that breaks the condition until Umrah is completed JazakAllah khair
Category (Hajj)
1273 Asslamulakum, beautiful website, may we gain more and more love for our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W). May the whole Ummah pull together and read Darood and Salam to our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W). My first question is with regards to Zakat. Zakat is given to poor people and if we look at the English system they have adopted this to pay taxes, and this money is spent on unemployed, hospital, foreign aid… in effect do we already pay zakat as we are working? My second question is, Did the Prophet (S.A.W) have cats?
Category (Zakat)
1272 Does a divorce done in extreme anger without realizing it was being said and lacking intention count as a divorce?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
1271 I am a very bad sinner and I am very scared of Hell and Adhabul Qubur . Please tell me ways to be saved from Adhab in Jahannam and Qubur.
Category (Sin / Forgiveness / Repentance)

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