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Ask The Imam Questions

Questions - Page 63 of 65
No. Question
50 Are you allowed weddings in a mosque? If the answer is yes, then what about the prayer?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
49 During the namaz, if I sneeze in the middle of reciting a Surah, what are the orders of saying shukar alhamdolillah at that time?
Category (Namaz)
48 I am a recent convert and confused about shaving my pubic area. Does this mean that I should shave scrotum and the anal area also? Is plucking the hairs better than shaving? Is this also true for the under-arms? How often should I do this to these areas?
Category (Cleanliness)
47 Do you break your fast by fighting or swearing?
Category (Ramadan / Fasting)
46 If you are on your period days can you fast?
Category (Ramadan / Fasting)
45 If you dont know Niyaath in namaz, then what do you do for Niyaath?
Category (Namaz)
44 My question is regarding the Zahiri Parda of Our Prophet (S.A.W). What I want to ask is that how many times was the Namaz Janaza funeral prayer of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) held?
Category (Death / Doomsday / Graveyard)
43 If you release wind, do you do full Wuzu including istinja?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
42 Is saying samullahhulimanhamidah rabanalakalhamd in namaz Wajib or Fard or Sunnah?
Category (Namaz)
41 Why do we do Azaan for Magrib Namaz just before we pray?
Category (Namaz)
40 Can you please provide for me the permissible Shari limits when looking for a partner for marriage and are the boy and girl allowed to see or talk to one another to see if they are compatible to one another for marriage? What is the importance/ level of parents and familys involvement?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
39 What is the normal age of Marriage in Islam?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
38 When is the cut of time for reading Magrib namaz? 30 minutes after start time or starting time of Isha?
Category (Namaz)
37 If during Namaz you loose concentration is the Namaz broken?
Category (Namaz)
36 Is the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Noor? Because Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaat believe HE (S.A.W) is and Ahle Hadith believe that HE (S.A.W) is not Noor and was a normal human being like us.
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)
35 What is the Sunnah way to trim nails and on which days should nails be trimmed?
Category (Sunnah)
34 If I want to wear hijab do I have to have my husbands or my parents permission? I asked you this question because actually my husband doesnt allow me to wear hijab so what should I do?
Category (Women)
33 How long should a person sit after each namaz before starting another one or to leave after finishing all Namaz?
Category (Namaz)
32 I have a problem controlling drops of urine. I do wuzu and the problem starts all over again. What can I do about reading namaz whilst I have this problem?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
31 Can a girl perform Wuzu if shes wearing nail polish?
Category (Women)