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Ask The Imam Questions

Questions - Page 52 of 65
No. Question
270 Is there something you can read if your memory is not very good?
Category (Memory)
269 If you miss a fast in the month of Ramadan because you could not keep it, do you get punished or can you make up for it?
Category (Ramadan / Fasting)
268 If a woman or a girl was on her period and she touched the holy Quran forgetting that she was on, does she get punished?
Category (Women)
267 I have been told that women are not allowed to wear necklaces that you get from shops (ie : town). Could you please tell me if this is true ?
Category (Women)
266 What is the ruling on Premium Bonds as in accordance with Fiqha Hanafi ?
Category (Others)
265 Please can you tell me if purchasing premium bonds is impermissible? Because gambling means forfeiting one thing for another, but in premium bonds we are not gambling anything because we can cash them in for whatever amount we bought them for whenever we want. Please clarify.
Category (Others)
264 Are premium bond halal?
Category (Others)
263 If you have a necklace with some thing Islamic on it and go to the toilet and forgot to take it off before entering the toilet, can you simply tuck it in your shirt or will you still be committing a sin?
Category (Others)
262 I have been told that if you are travelling 58 miles or more then at the time of Namaz, you are required to read Kasr Namaz. Does this mean the total journey or the journey one way? i.e.: say from Sheffield to my friends house is 35 miles one way. Do I have to read kasr Namaz as the total journey from start to finish is 70 miles?
Category (Namaz)
261 In Riyadhus Sunnah, The Gardens of Sunnah, Page 399 to 401 it states the following: If a family of a deceased invites guests for food on the 3rd and 4th day, this is reprehensible innovation and is not allowed. Further more it states that Sheikh Ahmad Raza states that this is not allowed and Bidah. Could you please clarify this?
Category (Others)
260 Can you kiss the graves of say your parents, children etc?
Category (Death / Doomsday / Graveyard)
259 Is there a certain age limit by which a child should be named?
Category (Children)
258 When you have to remove your pubic hair, do you have to shave them completely off, or can you trim them until they are really small?
Category (Cleanliness)
257 Could the Imam Saab please tell me the reason behind, why we do two Sajda in Namaz instead of one, apart from the obvious answer that we are told to do so. Someone told me the reason why we do it, and I want to know if I have been told correct.
Category (Namaz)
256 Why do people say Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W) is alive? Please can you provide some explanation with Authentic evidence with the opinions of the pious scholars of the past. Jazakallah.
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)
255 When a pious Muslim man passes away Allah subhanatallah grants him 70 hooreh. Does a pious Muslim woman receive any reward? Also I have heard that a nikah of the husband and wife breaks on death of either couple so can the surviving spouse view the face as I have heard they become gher mehram? (Therefore is grieving permitted for a gher mehram? Sometimes a spouse may grieve for the remainder of their life). I have seen all men and women view the face of any deceased is this permitted? I am sorry for asking 3 questions but I would be grateful if I get a reply for all of them. Thank you.
Category (Women)
254 Are woman allowed to wear perfume?
Category (Women)
253 I have been told that you should not use masalay that have pictures of the Holy Kaaba or Masjid Nabvi Shareef etc on them, as this is disrespectful. Could you please tell me if this thinking should be adopted?
Category (Namaz)
252 Why do we do hatham on Thursdays?
Category (Hatham / Dua)
251 Do you have to be circumcised to be a Muslim and why? (What about new people to Islam who are adults?
Category (Islam / Muslims)