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Questions - Page 34 of 65
I run a retail store, as my store is small and has no space to wash my legs for wudu in the shop, but can manage to perform other necessities of wudu. My question is, can I perform wudu by not washing my legs for every Namaz?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
I am a girl whose wedding is delaying not getting proper matches for me. I just wanted to know will I get the proper match and get marriage soon. One more thing I want to ask, I have one proposal from one of my friends. We both are interested in each other and of the same religion, but don't know what our parents will say. I want to do Istighara for this proposal. I am not able to perform the Istighara as I won't get sleep in nights properly. Can you kindly answer my questions.
Category (Others)
Could you please let me know what the role of the Imam is in the mosque and the community?
Category (Islam / Muslims)
18 months ago, my husband, who I have been married to for 18 years and have 3 daughters with, met a 17 year old girl (she was a prostitute) in a night club in Morocco. He took drugs with her, slept with her and then married her 2 days later Islamically (not with legal papers). He thought I would accept this girl as a 2nd wife and couldn't understand why I wouldn't accept her. I went to Morocco a few months later and met this awful person and her family, who were what I would consider a very bad family. This has almost destroyed my 15 year old daughter. He beat me in front of the girl and her family and took my money to spend on her. I went to see a 'religious' man who told me her family had done black magic on my husband (he had never strayed before and I trusted him completely). Our marriage had been very strong and we were like soul mates and I couldn't understand how he had betrayed me so easily. After I told him about the black magic, he claimed to have finished with her and we tried to rebuild our marriage, but the trust has gone and I recently found out he has been sending her money every month, but not been giving anything to me and the kids. I now feel completely disgusted with him and feel so much hate towards him. He claims he felt an obligation to her which is why he sent the money to her. He is begging me to believe him, but I feel I can never trust him or forgive him. My daughter tells me she hates him and doesn't want him to live with us. Please help me. I need to know what to do about this, Islamically. It always seems that Allah exposes all the things he does behind my back. I feel that Allah is showing me how my husband is no good for me and I beg Allah to guide me on what to do, but every day I feel torn between staying with him and leaving him. Please can you help me to understand the situation and what the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) would have advised in a situation like this? I thank you for taking the time to read this. Kind regards.
Category (Others)
Can you clarify whether a dog can be kept in the home as a pet, rather than for purposes relating to security?
Category (Islam / Muslims)
Alhamdulillah I pray 5 times a day. I am going to tell you how I prayed today. I missed Fajr, Zohr and Asr. When I reached home I prayed Magrib. However I have not done Kaza for Fajr, Zohr or Asr. Before praying Isha I will pray the Kaza for Fajr, Zohr and Asr then pray my Isha Salat. My 2nd scenario is at times I miss the Fajr Namaz, I come home for lunch and pray Zohr but due to lack of time I can't pray the Kaza Fajr. When I get back home from work I pray Magrib Namaz and then do the Kaza Fajr and Asr. Basically as you can see my Namaz is all out of order. Can you please tell me how I should pray My Namaz? I know my question is long and confusing but I need to know if I am performing my Namaz correctly or do I need to change my praying method?
Category (Namaz)
Can you tell me what the connection is between Hajj and Eid-ul- Adha?
Category (Hajj)
What is definition of Khullah and what is the process of getting Khullah?
Category (Marriage / Divorce)
Over the last year or so, I've kept seeing a dream about my own marriage. I don't know whether to consider this as a good thing or not, as I never see dreams before and if I do, they never good. It's now been a few times and the last time I saw this dream it was very clear to me. Can you suggest to me why I'm seeing this dream about marriage over again and again?
Category (Others)
Why is it not permissible to have a dog as a pet? Does dog saliva contaminate clothes? What if dog's body rubbed with the clothes? Is it okay to pray in those clothes?
Category (Islam / Muslims)
My father went to a Janaza, and saw a person give Azaan at the grave. Is this allowed in Islam?
Category (Death / Doomsday / Graveyard)
Can we read Namaz if there are pictures displayed in the room (people/animals) i.e. if my brother is surfing the internet, could I read Namaz in the same room?
Category (Namaz)
Are women allowed to wear the colour black?
Category (Women)
I have been told that to do Zikr of Allah (S.W.T) whist saying Allah Ho out loud and directing the Ho towards the heart is a very good practice to do as it helps clean the black marks made on the heart by Sin. Is it ok for woman recite this out loud too or should they say it quietly or not at all?
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)
I attended an interview in a government job and would like to know if I will succeed in getting this job? What should I do to get a job.
Category (Others)
I have two children, mashallah they are both boys. Inshallah we are thinking of having our third child now. I know we should be happy with what Allah gives us but I really wish for a girl this time. Is there any Dua I can read for a female child?
Category (Children)
I already know that a women’s Wudu doesn't break if her head scarf comes off. My question is that if the Women performs here Wudu then goes out of her house (with out a headscarf) and Ghair Mehram see her then does her Wudu break?
Category (Wuzu / Ghusl)
Is it ok to wear metal strap watches during Namaz or does it have to be made from real silver?
Category (Namaz)
Whilst reciting all 99 names of Allah (S.W.T) should we be reciting them in order or doesn’t it matter which order they are recited?
Category (Allah (SWT) / Prophets of Allah)
I am still struggling in my life nothing going right for me what shall I do. Another thing I really like reading this Ya Allaho Ya Rahmano Ya Raheemo, could you tell me the correct manner of reciting this i.e. and how many times, what condition must I read it in and when?
Category (Others)
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