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Ramadan 2015


It is reported that a British man who lived near Delhi Central Mosque had
become a Muslim. He began coming to the Mosque for prayers and would perform ablution there too. He noticed that the ablution area had become very dirty; the drains were blocked, mould was appearing and all types of dirt were gathering. He ignored the situation for a few days, expecting someone from the establishment to address the problem.

A few days went by and he found no change so he decided to clean the ablution area himself. A local man noticed the British convert cleaning the dirty ablution area. He remarked and mocked to his friend that although this revert has become a Muslim but his British traits had not deserted him. In other words, cleanliness was the prerogative of the British rather than the Muslims.

Allah Hu Akbar, look how ignorant many of Muslims are with regards to the basic teaching of Islam with regards to cleanliness, accepting it to be something that is affiliated with the non-Muslims.


Unfortunately it seems we are increasingly neglectful of this basic obligation. Areas of Muslim inhabitants are typically dirty and unclean. On the other hand, non-Muslim areas have clean streets and houses to the highest standard.

Cleanliness and hygiene are the basic teachings of Islam, which have been clearly emphasised in the Quran and Sunnah.

Allah (S.W.T) states: '…...Undoubtedly, Allah loves those who repent excessively, and He loves those who keep themselves thoroughly pure and clean' (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 222).

The beloved Prophet (S.A.W) said, 'Allah (S.W.T) is Pure and adores! Cleanliness and hygiene.' (Tirmidhi; Adab, 75) and that 'Cleanliness is half of Faith.' (Darmi: Wudhu, 2).

It is our duty to make cleanliness our habit and to abhor impurity and dirt.
Our homes, streets, our clothes and bodies should always be clean, and we should teach others to follow suit.